Sunday, October 18, 2009

Using Podcasts in the Classroom

Hello again South Cobb High parents,

Since I have begun to integrate technology into our World Literature classroom, students have been extremely engaged. Students are excited about the upcoming classroom activity, which consists of creating a Podcast. Podcast give students the opportunity to record and edit an audio and then upload their audio on the Internet.

Students can also transfer their Podcast on their iPod. Most students in the classroom have an iPod or know someone who does. Students enjoy listening to their iPod, so why not make students' iPod experience educational?

As parents, I want you to be involved in our classroom and be a part of your child's learning experience. As a way for you to be involved in our classroom, students will be posting a link to their Podcast in the "comments" section below, so you can listen to what students are learning and evaluate how technology is being used in our World Literature classroom.

Our class will be visiting the computer lab during the upcoming week to create their own version of Shakespeare's play Julius Caesar via Podcast. Students will be working in groups, giving them the opportunity to develop collaborative skills needed for projects in the workplace. Podcast also gives students the opportunity to re-examine their interpretation of the play as well as the opportunity to be creative. Podcast give students the opportunity to demonstrate their understanding of what they have learned in any subject whether it be World Literature or mathematics. Furthermore, Podcast are easy and quick to create.

To use a Podcast, students will be using a microphone that will be provided in the computer lab although computer microphones are also available in almost any electronic store for less than $20. Students will also be required to download a software program that will allow them to edit their audio file. Many audio software programs, like Audacity, can be downloaded online for free and are easy to use. For added emphasis, students can add sound effects to their Podcast and include music.

To learn more about how Podcast can be integrated into the classroom, watch the YouTube video, titled "Integrating podcasting into your classroom."

Don't forget to look for your child's Julius Caesar Podcast posted in the "comments" section during the upcoming week. As always, you may contact me at anytime via email at


Ms. Henley
World Lit. Teacher

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